A paper by Yuji Moroto (D2 student) et al won the best technical paper award at SIGGRAPH Asia 2022.
Dean's prize for outstanding thesis was awarded to Tetsuro Yamazaki (for his PhD thesis) and Takumi Ohkuma (for his Master's thesis).
Associate Professor Tomoharu Ugawa joined our department.
The results of the summer entrance exam are now available. Please check the Admissions page.
We mail you the materials, which were originally scheduled to be distributed by hand at our new student orientation on April 2, due to COVID-19. You do not have to come to the campus. Please answer your mailing address by the means we separately informed.
Hayato Sumino won President's best prize for his outstanding social activities as a pianist. Dean's prize for outstanding thesis has been awarded to Zhu Zhongyuan (his phD thesis) and Yuki Kubo (his master's thesis).
We do not hold the diploma presentation ceremony at Department of Creative Informatics in 2020 March.
Information sessions for applicants will be organised on 25th May.
Professor Hiroshi Saruwatari has joined our department. We have also welcomed Manabu Tsukada as a new faculty member.
Dean's prize for outstanding thesis has been awarded to Yuki Furuta (his phD thesis) and Yosuke Enokida (his master's thesis).
The video of the lecture by Dr. Stroustrup, the creatorof the C++ language, has been published by UTokyo TV.
Information sessions for applicants will be organised.
We host a lecture by Dr. Stroustrup, the inventor of the C++ language, on July 27.
We have welcomed Ryota Shioya and Soramichi Akiyama as new faculty members.
Professor Akiko Takeda has joined our department.
Dean's prize for outstanding thesis has been awarded to Kenichi Koizumi (his phD thesis) and Tomoki Nakamaru (his master's thesis).
Dean's prize for outstanding thesis has been awarded to Hiroyuki Ikegami (his phD thesis) and Taito Lee (his master's thesis).
Dean's prize for outstanding thesis has been awarded to Chan Wesley Patrick (his phD thesis) and Kyosuke Tomoda (his master's thesis).
Dean's prize for outstanding thesis has been awarded to Soramichi Akiyama (his phD thesis) and Satoru Kobayashi (his master's thesis).
We have welcomed Toshiya Hachisuka as a new faculty member.
The department moved to the I-REF building.
We have welcomed Kenji Yamanishi as a new faculty member.
Eight students visited facebook Inc's headquarters and joined a hackathon with students from other universities.
We have welcomed Hideki Nakayama as a new faculty member
Professor Ishikawa was awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon.
The department was founded.
Copyright © 2019 Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo