An Exchange Student is an international student from university which has a bilateral agreement with Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at UTokyo (please refer to this page ). Exchange students can study for 6 months to 1 year under the supervision of a faculty member of Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at UTokyo. During this period, exchange students can also learn Japanese useful for campus activities and daily life.
The University of Tokyo is a research-oriented University and a part of our unique culture here is that every student belongs to a laboratory under a supervising professor. Therefore, you as an exchange student must also find a professor who will accept you in his/her lab and supervises you during the exchange program.
After getting an informal acceptance from your prospective supervising professor, please upload the proof on our WEB Application System by the FIRST deadline.
Then, you will need to submit all application documents on our WEB Application System by the SECOND deadline.
You will need an ID and password to enter WEB Application System. Please contact your student exchange coordinator in your own university first if you want to apply.
Admission Application Procedure
・Application Procedure
・[FormA] Research Plan
CoE Application Procedure
・Please download the procedure and the forms from your "My Page" on WEB Application System.
Check the Application Procedure and prepare the necessary materials for your application.
This may include your transcripts, certificates, photograph, etc.
(*Available from 3/24)
Enter WEB Application System for Exchange Students here.
■Notes on Photograph Data■
・Prepare a photograph as guided below:
-Format: jpeg
-Teeth should not be shown
-A high resolution photograph taken within the past 3 months
-Upper body facing forward
-Head uncovered
-Plain background (no shadow)
-Must be different from your current passport photo
-Please ask yourself, "If I were to create a new passport, would I be allowed
to use this photo?"
【Important】 Application documents must be submitted only by uploading the files to the WEB Application System. (*No need to mail them by post.)
*Applications will not be accepted if the specified documents are not submitted by the application deadline indicated above.
Office of International Relations (OIR)
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
The University of Tokyo
Room 161, 1F, Engineer Building No.8,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, JAPAN
Email: istoir(at)
Updated on December 8, 2023
Copyright © 2019 Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo