Updated on June 18, 2024

Special Admission for "English Program on Intelligent Information Processing" (For Prospective Students)

This special admission is for “English Program on Intelligent Information Processing”. We aim to select excellent students from top universities of the world. Good scholarships are available.

★Admission Guide for October 2025 enrollment is now available.

[Important] On the expected changes in the method of the entrance examination in Special Admission for “English Program on Intelligent Information Processing” from AY2025 Entrance Examinations (conducted in AY2024) (released on 2024/1/31)

The method of the entrance examination in Special Admission for “English Program on Intelligent Information Processing” in our graduate school will be partly changed. The expected changes are as follows.

      • In the Special Admission for “English Program on Intelligent Information Processing” for AY2025 Entrance Examinations (conducted in AY2024), the following changes are expected. The detail of the Special Admission including the changes will be released by around July 2024.
        • Applications to Master’s Program and Doctoral Program via the Special Admission will be limited to those who wish to apply to Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students (University Recommendation).
        • The examination fee will be revised to 30,000 yen.
        • The schedule will be brought forward by about one month from that of the AY2024 Entrance Examinations (conducted in AY2023).
      • From the AY2026 Entrance Examinations (conducted in AY2025), the Special Admission for “English Program on Intelligent Information Processing” will be abolished. For the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students (University Recommendation), which was applicable via the special admission, a new application scheme is expected to be introduced.

【重要】令和7(2025)年度入試[令和6(2024)年度実施]からの知的情報処理英語プログラム特別選抜の変更点について (2024/1/31 掲載)

本特別選抜は、令和 7(2025)年度入試[令和6(2024)年度実施]から以下のように変更になる予定です。

      • 令和 7(2025)年度入試[令和6(2024)年度実施]の知的情報処理英語プログラム特別選抜では、以下の点が変更となる予定です。これらを含む同特別選抜の詳細は、2024 年 7 月頃までに開示予定です。
        • 同特別選抜の募集対象は国費外国人留学生(大学推薦)に志願する者に限定されます。
        • 検定料が 30,000 円に改定されます。
        • スケジュールは、令和 6(2024)年度入試[令和 5(2023)年度実施]のものから、全体的に一ヶ月ほど前倒しになる予定です。
      • 令和 8(2026)年度入試[令和7(2025)年度実施]からは、知的情報処理英語プログラム特別選抜は廃止の予定です。同選抜を通じ応募可能であった国費外国人留学生制度(大学推薦)については、別途新しい応募方式を用意する予定です。

AY2025 Admission Outline

  • For enrollment in October 2025
  • Application period: October 7 to October 11 (17:00 JST), 2024
  • Examination fee 30,000 JPY
  • Scholarships for top successful candidates
  • For MEXT scholarship selection, there is a "Focused Area" where students will be prioritized which are South Asia (India etc.), Thailand, and Vietnam.
  • Selection method: 1st by paper screening then interview
  • Interview venues: Online (The details regarding examination will be given to applicants who pass the first round of selection.)
  • A supervisor’s approval is required prior to submitting application. You can search professors by keywords in the URL below.
  • Documents: Please read the Application Guide and Attachment 1 thoroughly before applying.

AY2025 Admission Guide

Online Application Procedures

1. Prepare the necessary materials for your application.

Check the Application Guide and prepare the necessary materials for your application.
This may include your transcripts, certificates, photograph, the proof of your examination fee payment (See 3. below), etc.

2. Enter and check the details of your application through the application system below.

(*available from 10/7)

WEB Application System (Master’s Level)
WEB Application System (Doctoral Level)

■Notes on Photograph Data■

・Upload your photograph to the 'WEB Application System'.
・This photograph will be used for your student ID card after your enrollment.
・Prepare a photograph as guided below:
  -A clear photograph taken within the past 3 months that shows your upper body facing forward with your head uncovered, with plain background
  -Must be different from your passport photo

3. Pay your examination fee.

1) E-shiharai.net (by credit card):
Refer to the 'How to make Payment of Examination Fee at E-shiharai.net' and pay your examination fee as instructed.

→Click here to navigate to 'E-shiharai.net'. 【available period: 9/24-10/11】

■Examination fee for AY2025 admission is 30,000 JPY.

4. Submit (Upload) your application documents.

【Important】 Application documents must be submitted only by uploading the files to the WEB Application System. (*No need to mail them by post.)

■Convert all the required documents into PDF files and upload them to the 'WEB Application System: My Page'. (*available from 10/7)
The deadline for uploading: 17:00 JST, October 11 (Fri), 2024
*Applications which do not contain all the required documents by the deadline cannot be accepted.

5. Submission of Recommendation Letters

Request the letter from your recommender in advance of your application.

【Submission Procedures】


1. Examinees should register the necessary information about the examinees themselves and their recommenders through the 'Registration Form for Recommender 1'. (*available from 10/7)

2. The URL for uploading the recommendation letter will be notified to the recommender by email.

3. The recommender should upload the recommendation letter to the website indicated in that email.
【The deadline for uploading the recommendation letter】October 21 (Mon), 2024

4. After the recommender completes uploading, both the recommender and the examinee will receive the confirmation message by email.

LETTER 2 (written by dean or higher)

1. Examinees should register the necessary information about the examinees themselves and their recommenders (dean or higher) through the 'Registration Form for Recommender 2'. (*available from 10/7)

 ★Please let your recommender (dean or higher) know below in advance:
  -The letter must be addressed to the "President Teruo Fujii of the University of Tokyo"
  -The recommender must sign the letter by hand
  -The original needs to be submitted at a later date

2. The URL for uploading the recommendation letter will be notified to the recommender by email.

3. The recommender should upload the recommendation letter to the website indicated in that email.
【The deadline for uploading the recommendation letter】October 21 (Mon), 2024

4. After the recommender completes uploading, both the recommender and the examinee will receive the confirmation message by email.

      Notes on Applyingepiip2025poster.jpg

                • After the application process is completed, no changes to the documents will be accepted and the examination fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.  

      Contact: Office of International Relations, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
      The University of Tokyo

      TEL: +81-3-5841-4478
      *Please replace (at) with @ when sending a message.
      *Please contact us by email due to the reduction and teleworking of the staff.
