Types of Degrees

Master's degree:

Those who have completed the Master’s program of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology are awarded “修士(情報理工学)”.

  • Name of degree
  • Name of degree in English
    Master of Information Science and Technology

Doctoral degree:

Those who have completed the Doctoral program of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology are awarded “博士(情報理工学)”.

  • Name of degree
  • Name of degree in English
    Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Information Science and Technology
    *Or, one of the following (depending on the department)
    Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Computer Science
    Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Mathematical Informatics
    Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Information Physics and Computing
    Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Information and Communication Engineering
    Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Mechano-informatics
    Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Creative Informatics