Office of International Relations


Application to the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (IST), at the University of Tokyo
(1) If you want to enter IST, first you have to decide
I.To which department you want to apply
II.Which Professor to take academic instruction under
(2) When you choose your department and professor at IST, please contact the professor via email as required. We recommend you to attach your research program and a copy of your transcripts when you contact your professor so that the professor understands who you are.
[For research student candidates only]
When you receive the informal acceptance from your professor, please forward the acceptance email to the Office of International Relations (OIR).
(3) When you contact a professor, please take advice from your professor as to which status to apply for in UT.
  • ① Start as a Master / Doctoral student
  • ② Start as a Research Student
(4) When you decide your starting status, then please consider about scholarship programs.
① Start as a master's / doctoral student → Do you need a scholarship in Japan?
A) You need Scholarship in Japan

If you need a scholarship, we would recommend you to take "MEXT scholarship" and come as a MEXT student. It is a Japanese embassy's scholarship which has several advantages including Japanese language training,, visa procedure, money, and so on. For detailed information, you can ask at Japanese embassy. (Although we have some private scholarships in UT, they are highly competitive.)
When you pass the MEXT exam, please send us following documents:

  1. The certificate of your passing preliminary selection by the embassy
  2. A copy of your application documents which you submitted to the embassy
  3. A copy of your transcripts
  4. A copy of your degree certificate

B) You don't need a scholarship in Japan

Please tell us the course you take (master's or doctoral) and your address so that we can send you a Master's / Doctoral application form. Fill the form and send it back to us.

Office of International Relations
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656
Engineer Building8, 1F
Tel: 03-5841-4478
② Start as a Research Student → Do you need Scholarship in Japan?
A) You need Scholarship in Japan → See ①- A).
B) You don't need a scholarship in Japan
Your professor will send you a Research Student application form. Please fill the form and send it back to us by airmail.