開催日:2007/1/15 11時30分より
場所:工学部新2号館 231号室
1月15日(月)11時30分より、工学部新2号館231号室にて香港中文大学Tony T. Lee教授の講演「The Mathematical Parallels Between Packet Switching and Information Transmission」が行われる。
All communication networks comprise transmission sysytems and switching systems, even though they are usually treated as two separate issues. Communication channels are generally disturbed by noise from various sources.In circuit switched networks, reliable communication requires the error-tolerant transmission of bits over noisy channels.In pacekt swithced networks, however, not only can bits be corrupted with noise, but resources along connection paths are also subject to contention.Thus, quality of service(QoS) is determined by buffer delays and packet losses.The theme of this paper is to show that transmission noise and packet contention actually have similar characteristics and can be tamed by comparable means to archieve reliable communication. We conclude that packet switching systems are governed by mathematical laws that are similar to those of digital transmission systems as envisioned by Shannon in his seminal 1948 paper, A mathematical theory of communication.
Tony T. Lee is a professor of Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. From 1991 to 1993, he was a professor of Electrical Engineering at Polytechnic Bell Laboratories, and subsequently Bellcore, currently Telcordia. He is now serving as an Editor of the IEEE Trans on Communications, and an area Editor of J. of Communication Network.
Tony is a fellow of IEEE. He has received many awards including the National Natural Science Award from China, the Leonard G. Abraham Prize Paper Award from IEEE Communication Society and the Outstanding Paper Award from IEICE of Japan. |