Medal of Honour with Purple Ribbon: Professor Junichi TSUJII

Professor Junichi Tsujii, from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and University of Manchester, United Kingdom, was awarded, by Japanese Government, with the Medal of Honour with Purple Ribbon on May 14, 2010.
The Medal with Purple Ribbon is one of Japan's Medals of Honour, and is a high-profile government award that is presented to influential contributors to the arts, academics, or sports. Professor Tsujii was one of 24 awardees at the ceremony that took place on May 14, 2010. The Medal was awarded to Professor Tsujii for his achievement in the research fields for natural language processing, text mining based on deep parsing, and semantic processing of sentences, and their application to the bio-text mining.

Professor Tsujii played an instrumental role in the success of a national project in machine translation (MU project, 1982-1986). In 1988, he was appointed to be Professor of the Computational Linguistics Department, and Director of the Centre for Computational Linguistics (CCL) of UMIST (University of Manchester Institute for Science and Technology) in UK.
During his tenure at UMIST, he engaged in many projects; one such project was Eurotra 7 by the European Communities, in which he served as one of the Principal Investigators, and aimed at designing a new programming language for the next generation of the Eurotra MT system. Since appointment as Professor at the University of Tokyo in 1995, Professor Tsujii has become an internationally recognized contributor in the statistical modeling of deep parsing based on linguistically sound grammar theories, construction of semantically annotated corpus (GENIA) in the biomedical domain, and their application to information extraction and intelligent text mining for the bio-medical domain.

In 2006, Professor Tsujii was appointed as the first Director of the National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM) at Manchester, which the British government had established to be the first publicly funded centre of Text Mining in the world.

At present, Professor Tsujii is Professor of Text Mining at the School of Computer Science, at the University of Manchester, as well as Professor of the University of Tokyo, where he belongs to both the School of Interfaculty Initiative on Informatics and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology*. *Since 2006, Professor Tsujii has led a project on advanced natural language processing, which was a specially promoted project from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), in Japan. In the project, he has promoted a new technological framework of NLP-based intelligent text mining.

(Japanese version)
