

 日時:平成18年10月2日(月) 14:00〜16:00
 場所:東京大学 工学部6号館3階セミナー室A/D
 講演者:Dr. Endre Boros
     (Rutgers Center for Operations Reseach,
      The State University of New Jersey, Professor)

タイトル:Two very-large scale LP applications


We present two recent applications leading to very large-scale LP formulations. The first application involves finding optimal strategies for container inspection to intercept illicit weapons/materials hidden in ship cargoes. The other application involves embedding proteins into binary spaces such that Hamming distances are proportional to protein dissimilarities. For both problems, the developed large scale LP models provide a scalable and computationally efficient solution technique to derive the theoretically best possible solutions, improving on earlier approaches.

(連絡先:数理情報学 牧野 和久)

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