21st COE

Program Leader
Prof. Hidehiko Tanaka
Dean, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Program Summary
We establish three amalgamating projects (the real-world information system project, the global dependable information infrastructure project, and super robust computation project) led by the program head quarter that strategically manages the research and education towards information science and technology in the 21st century.
Needs and Objectives Program
The information science and technology has made a drastic departure from 20th century's convention with PC and the Internet towards the 21st century's symbiotic paradigm by humans and information systems. It is necessary to establish a new information science and technology in the 21st century by amalgamating researches in a broad area covering from information science to mechanical engineering. In this COE program, we will set up three amalgamating projects strategically led by the strategic core head quarter, and develop a prototype of the real world information system that allows humanoids, agents, ubiquitous devices to persistently cohabit with people, help people, and communicate with people as a partner. The real world information system involves as integral component both the real world information infrastructure that comprises a globally distributed, dependable information infrastructure, network agents and ubiquitous information processing environment, and the real world computation that encompasses computation for enabling robust systems to be built from intrinsically unstable computing element in the real world and precise simulation of the real world.
Plan for Formation of Research Center
In this COE program, we will launch the following three amalgamating projects: (a) the real world information system project for establishing the real world informatics by developing human-centered information systems; (b) the global dependable information infrastructure project for developing ubiquitous devices and reflective software, and global intelligence based on the architecture, software, communication, and human interface for massively distributed systems; and (c) the super robust computation project for establishing amorphous, hybrid, and large-scale complex computation that can serve as a basis of real world information systems. In order to strategically manage the three amalgamating projects, we establish the program head quarter for leading three amalgamating projects, planning the long-term strategic research program, returning the research results to the society, systematization of the knowledge and human resource development, and information science and technology strategy proposal.
Education Implementation Plan
In this COE program, we establish the human resource development (HRD) service that can train professional leaders for tomorrow in real-world information science and technology by systematizing the results obtained from each amalgamating project. We extend the current two HRD programs (the professional program for strategic software and the undergraduate program for bioinformatics and systems biology) to the following three special courses: (a) the real world information system course that teaches and exercises system design and organization methods for amalgamating information systems and the real world; (b) the global dependable information infrastructure course that develops through lecture and exercises the students' ability for creating strategic information infrastructure; and (c) the super robust computation course that trains specialists capable of applying super robust computation to natural, life, or social phenomena. In order to realize the above mentioned HRD program, we employ post-doc or PhD students as turbo charging researchers whose mission is to transfer the result of amalgamating projects to the education at the graduate school.

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